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"It was glorious - just the dog and a leather strap linking me to life."
- Morris Frank, the first person to use a Seeing Eye dog

     clover.gif (1299 bytes)    Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.

The 4-H Study Center is an Internet resource for the Paws to See Club of the Skagit County 4-H.  It provides Internet links to world wide web sites containing information on subjects the Paws to See Club is learning

4-H Links   Blindness   Braille   Guide Dogs   Obedience Judging   Record Books   Vet Science


4-H Links

Learn to Do By Doing

Skagit County 4-H Links

This is a link to the 4-H links page on

4-H Logo, Motto, Pledge & Grace
This information is from a Canadian 4-H site.
FourHWeb The FourHWeb Project is an effort to bring together all 4-H clubs and resources on the web in one location. Our goal is to facilitate communication between members, leaders and clubs, and to provide easy access to the multitude of project resources available. Has good collection of 4-H clipart.
Record Books Record Book Forms (-.doc) From the Santa Clara, CA 4-H club
Record Book Tips From Serendipity 4-H, Skagit County, WA (Roy's Phones & Things)
Guide Dogs WorkingDogWeb WorkingDogWeb offers guides to Internet content related to canines in service. Individual guides cover activities, breeds, training, clubs news and health.
Found at:
Dog Guide Laws State laws for all states and Canadian provinces.
Washington Statutes, White Cane Law, Chapter 70.84, Sections 70.84.010 through 70.84.900, last amended in 1985

Washington statutory law guarantees a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in harness in all places of public accommodation and on all public transportation. No extra charge can be levied because of the dog's presence. State policy also ensures equal employment opportunity in state service, in the service of its political subdivisions and public schools, and in employment supported in whole or part by public funds, except when the visual disability prevents performance of the work involved.

Public accommodations include hotels, restaurants, stores, public buildings, places of resort, amusement, and assemblage, and any other place to which the general public is invited. (#70.84.010, #70.84.030)

Public transportation includes trains, buses, airplanes, boats, taxis, and any other common carriers or modes of conveyance offered for public use. (#70.84.010, #70.84.030)

Violation: Any person, firm, corporation or any agent thereof who interferes with the above enumerated rights is guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable under Washington law accordingly. (#70.84.070)

Dog Guide History Reading Room This comes from the same source as the laws above and has a good collection of articles all the way back to 1927.  This same site has lots of other great stuff to read, like their own newsletter, links to other blindness sites, etc.The guide dog picture above also came from their site.
Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. Nonprofit U.S. organization supporting guide dog breeding and training; information on handling guide dogs, becoming a trainer, interacting with the visually impaired and their guide dogs, Americans with Disabilities Act as it relates to the blind, and c
Found at:
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association UK "A guide dog is almost equal in many ways to giving a blind man sight itself." That tribute might have been written by any one of the many thousands of guide dogs owners in the last 60 years. In fact, it was written by Musgrave Frankland, one of the first four blind people to be trained in Britain.  This site is in England. The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association's purpose is to enhance the mobility, independence and quality of life of sight impaired people by providing guide dogs and other services.
Found at:
The A.B.A.G The Association of the Blind in Israel Assisted by Guide Dogs


Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.
constr1.gif (3604 bytes) coming soon.   Until then, see if you can figure out what the line of Braille above really says.   You should be able to figure it out if you are doing your homework.


constr1.gif (3604 bytes) coming soon.

Vet Science

Canine Guidelines from the Vet This, too is from
American Veterinary Medical Association Information featured goes beyond the basic how-tos, offering animal owners a thorough resource for coping with creature-care duties and dealing with emergencies. Includes a look at veterinarians, a kids page, pet stories and links.
Found at:
NetVet NetVet & the Electronic Zoo originate from the vivid imagination and late night web-surfing of Dr. Ken Boschert, a Veterinarian at Washington University's Division of Comparative Medicine, located in St. Louis, Missouri. Among this server's Web Pages are numerous views of Veterinary Medical and Animal resources available on the Internet and beyond. See What's New and be sure to visit this week's best animal-related Web site, the Pick of the Litter.
Cornell Veterinary Medicine Direct from our veterinary medical experts, the latest information and resources about caring for animals!

Obedience Judging

constr1.gif (3604 bytes) coming soon.